How do traders buy Dogecoin (DOGE) in India?
Do you want to buy Dogecoin (DOGE) with Indian Rupee (INR)? Then “Koinbazar” would be one of the best crypto exchange platforms where you can exchange DOGE to INR safe. Koinbazar offers an instant INR deposit option that helps traders to deposit funds instantly and start trading comfier.
How to Exchange Ripple to INR from Koinbazar?
Here’s a step-by-step procedure for users to buy DOGE with INR from Koinbazar.
Step 1:
Visit the Koinbazar website.
Step 2:
If you are already a registered user, choose ‘SIGN IN’ at the top right corner of the website to log into your account. if you are a new user, click ‘SIGN UP’ in the top-right corner to register your account.
Step 3:
After you sign into the account, choose “MY ACCOUNT” at the right top of the list.
Step 4:
Choose KYC verification under MY ACCOUNT.
Step 5:
Update the KYC authentication section requested details and identity certificates and then click ‘SAVE’.
Step 6:
Choose ‘BANK DETAILS’ and update your required information. Click “SUBMIT” then.
Step 7:
Go to ‘Assets’ and select ‘Deposit’.
Step 8:
Transfer your required funds to be deposited in either crypto (or) fiat.
Step 9:
Choose ‘Manual Deposit’ and update the account information in the required pages, as needed And also instant INR deposit options available. Your transferred amount will be credited to your wallet after a check by the administrator.
Step 10:
Now, go to the home page, select ‘TRADE’.
Step 11:
DOGE to INR – On the trading page, choose ‘SELECT INR MARKET’ and select DOGE/INR pair to buy Dogecoin with INR.
Step 12:
At the bottom left of the page, start trading by setting the order type and order value you would like to buy.